English language arts sorting games are an engaging way for students to look at content. They’re also incredibly versatile in their uses. Here are three different ways to use sorting games in your language arts classroom.
Early Finishers
Sorting games are a great task for early finishers to work on independently. Because they are so engaging, you don’t need to worry about your early finishers being a distraction for others, and you can focus on the students who still need help.
Review Games
Sorting games are a fun way to review course content before an assessment. They can be used in place of a Kahoot or Blooket. Break students into groups for an engaging collaborative review with a sorting game.
Station Activities
Sorting games make for an engaging station activity. If you have a large sorting game, break up the set to use for multiple days of stations. Keep the set separated in sandwich bags for easy station set up.
No matter how you use them, your students will love ELA sorting games. Try one with your students this week. Happy teaching!